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The Newest Scholarships

This blog presents any information of the newest scholarships available in all countries all over the world with the hope that this will be of much use for those who badly need, and are thirsty for such information

India related Scholarships in Germany: 2 PhD Scholarships and 2 Post-doctoral Scholarships, University of Heidelberg

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe’ in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows” at the University of Heidelberg is offering:

2 PhD scholarships (2 + 1 years)
2 Post-doctoral scholarships (12 months)
within the Research Project C4 “Making India a Global Health Care Destination: A Social Study of High-Tech Hospitals and Neo-Oriental Spas”, Research Area C (Health and Environment).

The candidates are expected to develop PhD or Post-doctoral projects within the Project C4’s research focus: This project addresses the fast growing sector of medical and wellness tourism in India, and attempts to understand the ways by which India is promoted as a global health care destination. It examines the social and cultural encounters which prevail in such situations, and comprises four main, interrelated research axes:
1/ National and international marketing strategies as they pertain to marketing networks, cost, and the use of high-tech representations and neo-oriental images;
2/ Transformation of infrastructure and the use of ‘place’. How are ideas of culture combined, transformed, erased or emphasized according to various clinical settings and their location?;
3/ Issues of ‘cultural translation’ as they pertain to the explanation of therapeutic action, and to the translation of biomedical or Asian medical terminologies. Matters of language and communication strategies are explored. Emphasis is given to examining the means deployed to facilitate cultural understanding between patients and medical practitioners in these contexts;
4/ Globalization and the transformation of therapeutic practices. What impact does trans-national healthcare have on preexisting biomedical and other therapeutic practices in India? The analytic baseline is concerned with the flows and mutual shaping of ideas, images, techniques, objects and bodies; patterns of self-representation (practitioners and patients); cultural stereotypes; the cultural dimension of health economics and the transformation of India’s health care sector. Please refer to www.asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de for further information on the Cluster and the Project C4.

Applicants for the PhD Scholarships are required to hold a Masters degree or equivalent for less than a year. Applicants for the post-doctoral scholarships are required to hold a PhD since no longer than three years. The fellowships are opened to scholars in anthropology, cultural geography and cultural economy. The subject can be explored from the perspectives developed in the social studies of medicine and/or in migration studies. The PhD projects should have their primary focus on biomedical tourism and biomedical health care. The Post-doctoral projects should cover either medical or wellness tourism.

Applicants are expected to have an excellent academic standing. They must be fluent in English, and have a good command of an Indian language. They are encouraged and expected to pursue independent research and will participate in the meeting of the research group, where we are developing a comparative theoretical and conceptual base for the project. Applications from women, ethnic minorities and individuals with disabilities are encouraged. The positions available are open to both EU and overseas students.

The PhD candidates are invited to use the research environment of the Heidelberg Cluster of Excellence and are entitled and encouraged to participate in the Graduate Program of the Cluster and the Research Group activities. The PhD projects will be supervised by the Project C4 Leader and the Coordinator of the Research Area C. The post-doctoral fellows will be based in Heidelberg, and are expected to participate in the activities of the Cluster and Research Group. They will be placed under the supervision of the Project C4 Leader and the Coordinator of the Research Area C.

The PhD candidates and the postdoctoral fellows are offered a monthly tax-free scholarship in accordance with the German academic standards (with supplements for children) and access to travel funds, technical equipment and institutional support. It is possible to apply for further financial help for language courses or similar. The PhD scholarships will be awarded for two years with a possible renewal for another year after successful evaluation. The Post-doctoral scholarship will be awarded for 12 months, non renewable.

The scholarships will start on 1st June 2009 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Applicants are asked to submit a CV, copies of university degrees (scanned), two letters of recommendation (to be sent directly by their authors to the Project C4 Leader), and a project in English. The research project should not exceed 9 pages, including a 300 words abstract, a detailed project (5 pages), a critical bibliography, the insertion of the individual project in the larger programme, a calendar and the expected results for the duration of the project.

Applications should be submitted by April 15th 2009. Interviews will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Please send your application by email to:
Laurent Pordié
Research Group Leader (C4)
Cluster of Excellence “Asia & Europe”
University of Heidelberg
Email: pordie@asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de

posted by PURWARNO, 12:32 AM | link | 0 comments |

Climate Scholarships in Denmark 2009 2010

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Asiatisk Plads 2, 1448 København K - Tlf. +45 33 92 00 00, e-mail: um@um.dk
Bredgade 43, 1260 København K. – Tlf. + 45 33 92 97 00, e-mail: vtu@vtu.dk

COP15 Climate Conference: Denmark skips gifts and educates youth in stead

The Danish Government has decided to establish a ‘COP15 Climate Scholarship’ for money saved pursuant to its policy of not giving gifts to participants at the Climate Conference in Copenhagen later this year.

At similar international conferences, participants usually receive gifts and so-called conference-kits with various items from the host country. At the COP15 in Copenhagen the number of participants is expected to reach 15.000. As part of its efforts to reduce the environmental and climate impact of the conference, the government has decided to discontinue the practice of giving gifts. The DKK 4 million (app. USD 700.000) hereby saved will instead be spent on climate scholarships allowing 10-12 candidates from all over the world to carry out 2-year climate related master’s programs at Danish universities.

“Our 0-gift policy and the COP15 Climate Scholarship are good signals to send at a conference which requires innovation in terms of the way we use our resources. Although there is no doubt as to the good intentions behind giving gifts, we have often experienced how conference kits end up in garbage bins at conference venues and hotels. We want break that habit in Copenhagen and spend the money in a constructive way”, says Minister for Development Cooperation, Ulla Tørnæs.

“The COP15 Climate Scholarship puts a spotlight on Denmark’s strong position in climate related research and the good possibilities for qualifying yourself at Danish universities. Besides, the scholarship is in line with the Government’s goal to increase the exchange of students across borders. With this scholarship, we hope to welcome a group of clever young people from all over the world who will become highly motivated to make a difference, and furthermore will get an exhaustive knowledge about Danish technology and research”, says Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Helge Sander.

For more information on the COP15 Climate Scholarship: www.studyindenmark.dk/climate

For further inquiries please contact:
Chief Advisor Nis Gellert (Ministry for Foreign Affairs, tel. 33 92 02 77
International Advisor Christiane Mißlbeck-Winberg (CIRIUS), tel. 33 95 70 66

posted by PURWARNO, 11:45 PM | link | 0 comments |

UK Scholarships: Masters Studentship in History of Medicine 2009 2010

Masters Studentships in the History of Medicine
Centre for the History of Medicine

The School of Historical Studies at Newcastle University is pleased to advertise between 4 and 6 Masters Studentship Awards for postgraduate study in Newcastle’s Wellcome Trust recognised MA programme in the History of Medicine during the academic year 2009-10. The closing date for applications is 30 April 2009.

The stipends for these awards will be set as follows: Two studentships will be awarded at either £15,000 (including home/EU fees) for full-time home/EU students, or £20,000 (including international fees) for full-time non-EU students of outstanding merit; the other studentships will be awarded at either £5,000 (including home/EU-fees) for meritorious full-time home/EU students, or £10,000 (including international fees) for non-EU students. Part time studentships will be awarded to meritorious applicants at c. half the above rate per annum.

The studentships are funded by the Northern Centre for the History of Medicine and will be available as of September 2009. The Northern Centre is a partnership between the Universities of Newcastle and Durham, and is supported by the Wellcome Trust. Successful applicants will join the postgraduate community based at the School of Historical Studies at Newcastle University. Postgraduate teaching and research supervision in the History of Medicine at Newcastle is delivered by scholars with established international reputations in the field.

Eligibility: Applications for the studentship are invited from highly motivated
graduates from various backgrounds including the Humanities and Social Sciences (e.g. History, Classics, Philosophy, Literature, Religious Studies, Archaeology, Psychology, Sciences, Sociology etc.). Applicants require a good (or predicted) undergraduate degree result (1st or high 2:1) in such a subject. Candidates with a medical background are also strongly encouraged to apply, and the studentship is open to current stage 4 Newcastle medical students who have opted to take the MA in the History of Medicine as an intercalated degree after stage 4 MBBS. Applications from overseas candidates with equivalent qualifications are also very welcome.

Application procedure: Applicants are asked to send: i) a CV and list of academic qualifications and experience; ii) a personal statement and letter of application outlining reasons for wanting to pursue postgraduate study in the history of medicine at Newcastle and highlighting specific research interests (max 300 words), iii) copies of any relevant certificates and transcripts, and (iv) letters of recommendation from two academic referees. Applications should be sent to the Postgraduate Secretary, Ms Sandra Fletcher, School of Historical Studies, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, to arrive no later than 30 April 2009.

For specific inquiries about the studentships and about the MA programme please contact: Prof. P.J. van der Eijk, Degree Programme Director, MA in History of Medicine, School of Historical Studies & Northern Centre for the History of Medicine, Newcastle University, Armstrong Building, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, tel: (direct) 0191 222 8262; email: philip.van-der-eijk@ncl.ac.uk

For information about postgraduate study in the School of Historical Studies contact the School’s Postgraduate Secretary, Mrs Sandra Fletcher, at: sandra.fletcher@ncl.ac.uk, tel. +44 (0) 191 222 7966

posted by PURWARNO, 11:30 PM | link | 0 comments |

Up to 60 University of Sheffield Studentships 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

University of Sheffield Studentships: Up to 60 University Studentships available for entry in 2009-10

Deadline for studentship applications to academic departments: 27 February 2009 except applicants wishing to be considered for an AHRC studentship: 31 March 2009.

The University of Sheffield, one of the top-ranked research-led universities in the UK is pleased to announce a major investment in the development of our postgraduate community. 60 University Studentships are available to students wishing to undertake postgraduate study in any Faculty of the University. The Studentships will provide tuition fees at the UK/EU rate, a maintenance grant of either £6,645 or £13,290 per annum, and a Research Training Support Grant.

Studentships are available as follows:

1. Faculty of Arts and Humanities: one-year Masters and three-year research degrees
2. Faculty of Engineering: three-year research degrees
3. Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health: three-year research degrees
4. Faculty of Science: three-year research degrees
5. Faculty of Social Sciences (including Architectural Studies and Law): one-year Masters and three-year research degrees

The Studentships are available to applicants who will register on their first year of study with the University in 2009-10 on a full-time programme of postgraduate study. Awards are tenable for either one year (Masters) or three years (PhD), with the latter renewable subject to satisfactory progress.

Awards are open to UK, EU and international applicants. International applicants are only eligible providing they can demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to cover the difference between the UK and international students tuition fee.

Please note that in order to be considered for a University of Sheffield or AHRC studentship, you must first apply to the University for admission to an appropriate programme of study. Students hoping to apply for funding should ensure that they have an offer of a place on a postgraduate course of study well in advance of the final deadline.

How to Apply
Interested applicants should:
1. Complete an application for admission as a postgraduate student. Details of how to apply for admission can be found by following the link on the right. Applications for admission should be submitted as soon as possible. You can find a listing of all academic departments within the University by clicking on the link ‘Departments and Services’ at the top of this page.
2. Download the University Studentship Application Form and Departmental Statement from the download box on the right.
3. Read the notes of guidance carefully.
4. Arrange for two academic references to be completed.
5. Send all Studentship application material (i.e. the Studentship Application Form, two Studentship Reference Forms, and degree transcripts where appropriate) to the academic department in which you intend to study by Friday 27 February 2009 (or 31st March for Arts and Humanities applicants) at the latest. Details of departmental contacts can be found by clicking on the link on the right.

Following receipt of all relevant application material, the academic department will provide a supporting statement for each application that they wish to put forward to the Faculty Studentships Panel for consideration. The Studentship Application Form, Studentship Reference Forms, Transcripts and Departmental Statement will be submitted to the Research Office by the academic department by Tuesday 31 March 2009 at the latest.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

posted by PURWARNO, 11:55 PM | link | 0 comments |

USA Jobs: Communication Disorders PhD Student, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Institution/Organization: University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Department: Communicative Disorders
Web Address: http://www.louisiana.edu

Level : PhD
Duties : Research,Teaching
Specialty Areas: Phonetics, Clinical Linguistics, Communication Disorders

Application Deadline: 21-Jun-2009


Ph.D. Assistantships are available for the start of Fall 2009 (mid-August) or for Spring (January) 2010.

Tuition fees and a stipend for living expenses will be paid. Candidates with good GRE scores (or those about to take GRE)should contact Ph.D. Coordinator for more details (Dr John Tetnowski). Please attach a current CV with GRE and GPA scores. Candidates from the US should have a Master’s degree in Communication Disorders or a Master’s or honors bachelor degree in Linguistics. Candidates from outside the US can apply if they have a good honours bachelor degree in Speech-Language Therapy if that is the qualifying level for the profession, or in Linguistics.

See website for details about the doctoral program in Applied Language and Speech Sciences. Supervision is offered in all areas of language and speech disorders but not in audiology.

For a Fall 2009 start, candidates should contact us immediately. Overseas applications are welcome, but should bear in mind they will need to take the GRE
exam. Alternate contacts:
Head of Department, Dr Nancye Roussel (ncroussel@louisiana.edu); Director of
Research Center, Dr Martin J. Ball (mjball@louisiana.edu).
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Dr John Tetnowski
Dept Communicative Disorders
P O Box 43170
Lafayette LA 70508

Web Address for Applications: http://gradschool.louisiana.edu/

Contact Information:
Dr John Tetnowski
Phone:+1 337 482 6721

posted by PURWARNO, 6:19 PM | link | 0 comments |

Beasiswa Studi Dikti ke Luar Negeri Tahun 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jalan Raya Jenderal Sudirman, Pintu I Senayan, Tromol Pos 190 Jakarta 10270
Telp. (021) 57946100 (HUNTING) Telp./Fax. : (021) 57946052, 57946053

Nomor : 2838/D4.4/2008; 26 September 2008
Lampiran :
Perihal : Pendaftaran Beasiswa Studi ke Luar Negeri Tahun 2009.

Kepada Yth :
1. Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
2. Koordinator Perguruan Tinggi Swasta I-XII
3. Direktur Politeknik
di Seluruh Indonesia

Dalam rangka peningkatan mutu dosen, Direktorat Ketenagaan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi membuka pendaftaran beasiswa S2 dan S3 luar negeri untuk tahun 2009, bagi dosen tetap PTN, dosen DPK dan dosen tetap PTS di lingkungan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Beasiswa untuk program S2 selama 2 tahun, dan program S3 selama 3 tahun.
Pendaftaran dan seleksi dilakukan dalam 3 tahap:
* Tahap I : pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 28 November 2008, dan seleksi direncanakan pada bulan Desember 2008;
* Tahap II : pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 27 Februari 2009, dan seleksi direncanakan pada bulan Maret 2009;
* Tahap III : pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 29 April 2009, dan seleksi direncanakan pada bulan Mei 2009.

Bagi peserta yang belum mulai studi, pendaftaran dilakukan secara kolektif melalui perguruan tinggi tempat bekerja.
Setiap pelamar melengkapi:

1. Form A dari Direktorat Ketenagaan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi yang telah diisi.
2. Letter of Acceptance dari perguruan tinggi yang terakreditasi;
3. Fotocopy ijasah S1 bagi pelamar jenjang S2 dan S2 bagi pelamar jenjang S3;
4. Bukti kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (TOEFL/IELTS), Jerman, Perancis, Jepang atau bahasa lain, sesuai tempat studi (tidak lebih dari dua tahun terakhir;
5. Khusus untuk pelamar S3 melampirkan rencana riset yang telah disetujui calon pembimbing di luar negeri;
6. Surat pengantar dari pimpinan perguruan tinggi

Bagi mereka yang sedang studi di luar negeri, pendaftaran dilakukan melalui perguruan tinggi tempat bekerja (diberi pengantar oleh pimpinan perguruan tinggi, baik secara individual atau kolektif), dengan kelengkapan:

1. Seperti butir 1, 3 dan 4 tersebut di atas;
2. Laporan kemajuan studi yang diketahui/disahkan oleh pembimbing
3. Rencana penyelesaian studi.

Bagi pelamar beasiswa tahun 2008 yang belum mendapatkan beasiswa, perlu memperbaharui lamaran dengan kelengkapan:

1. Form A dari Direktorat Ketenagaan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi yang telah diisi dengan data terbaru
2. Kelengkapan lain sesuai dengan posisi masing-masing (masih belum berangkat atau sedang studi di luar negeri) yang pada tahun 2008 belum atau kurang lengkap. Untuk memudahkan, diharapkan mengirim copy baru dari kelengkapan tersebut.

Berkas pendaftaran dikirim ke alamat:
Direktur Ketenagaan
Gedung D Lantai 5 Komplek Depdiknas
Jalan Jenderal Soedirman Pintu I - Senayan, Jakarta 10270
Telp./Faks : (021) 57946052/53

Demikian atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

a.n. Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi
Direktur Ketenagaan


Muchlas Samani
NIP. 130516386

1. Dirjen Dikti
2. Biro PKLN Sekjen Depdiknas
3. Kasubdit PK Dit. Ketenagaan

sumber: http://ditnaga-dikti.org/ditnaga/

posted by PURWARNO, 10:30 PM | link | 1 comments |